There are 192 countries in the world of those only one country is off limits to U.S. citizens - Cuba. US citizens can travel freely to North Korea, or Iran but not to our. closest neighbor in the Caribbean.

During my first visit to Cuba I met by chance the Chief Consulate of the Embassy of Vietnam while taking photos. We had a long chat about Cuba and its future and near the end of the conversation my new friend asked if I was in the war (Vietnam War). I was drafted but never fought in the war. He looked at me and smiled saying "I am glad we are friends."

I lost friends in that war and the US has full diplomatic relations with Vietnam but 90 miles from my home Cuba is treated like a pariah. Hopefully one day soon we will all be glad we are friends.

Cuba has been off the grid for US Citizens for almost 60 years. It's been restricted for so long that it has become mythological. In reality it's a beautiful 700 mile long island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea rich in 500 years of history and culture, with warm friendly people.

In 2012 attending the Annual Havana International Jazz Festival was difficult to gain permission to travel, we had to fly a circular route from Key West to Nassau and then to Havana. I discovered this photographic treasure trove and its wonderful people.

I visited a number of cities and towns and have categorized my photos in four main groups, Streets of Havana, Havana, The Music of Havana, Cuba Countryside.

I plan to return often and add to this collection of the "mythological land" with all my new friends.

500th Anniversary of Havana

Streets of Havana


Music of Cuba

Cuba Countryside

Cars of Cuba

Hemingway's Marlin

Hemingway's Marlin

Malecon Fishing



Cuba in B&W

Cuba in B&W
